Using Partnerships and Collaboration to Create a True 7th-14th Grade Health Pathway

Presentation Category: 
Middle School Connections
Session Type: 
CA Career Pathways Session
Presentation Description: 
Come to hear how an advisory board of high school, middle school and industry partners came together to create the new middle school health academy, and learn the steps to partner with your local middle or high school to create a true 7th-14th grade pathway. We'll include specifics on how collaboration between the two schools has created opportunities for middle school students to learn more about Health Careers and how we started a Middle School JUMP HOSA chapter.

Session Time

March 3, 2014 1:15pm to 2:30pm
Venue: Sacramento Convention Center
Room: 311


Mary Metz Foley
Coordinator Health Academy
Andrew Hill High School
Dan Fowler
Sylvandale Middle School