AP English Augmentation: Increased Student Success

Presentation Category: 
California Partnership Academy Model
Session Type: 
CPA Session
Presentation Description: 
Offer AP-based Academy English to promote high expectations across the board. All students experience AP-based curriculum, while those working toward the AP test engage in additional hours and on-line dialogue. The result – dramatic increases in students' CAHSEE passing rates, writing confidence and post-high school success in college English classes.
Describes Your Focus: 
Curriculum and Instructional Strategies (for example: integrated, project-based, differentiated, industry-specific, specific-needs focused, community-service, etc.)

Session Time

March 3, 2014 3:00pm to 4:15pm
Venue: Sacramento Convention Center
Room: 314


Amy Crawford
CAS English teacher
CAS at Berkeley High
Rosa Guzman
AMPS English teacher
AMPS at Berkeley HIgh
Susannah Bell
Education Specialist
Berkeley High School