Adam Saenz

Tuesday Keynote

How did he go from juvenile detention to two doctorates with training at Harvard Medical School and Oxford University?  Adam Sáenz will tell you: it was the power of a teacher. 

Dr. Saenz’ story is one the Huffington Post says “will never fail to inspire,” a journey through profound lows and soaring highs. At every important juncture, there have been two common elements—lifesavers that appeared when he most needed it: education and teachers.  Whether you’re searching for a reason to believe or you just need a hope-filled reminder, the bottom line is that you do have tremendous power to make a difference in students’ lives, and Dr. Sáenz’ message will compel you to engage your calling with passion, with purpose, and with vision.  

Today, Adam is a licensed psychologist who serves as the clinical director of the Brazos Valley Counseling and Assessment Clinic, which he founded in 2003.  He is a much sought after speaker and lecturer in schools and conferences around the country. His message of wellness and self-care resonates with his audiences of school teachers and administrators.